Ephemeral stream
Ephemeral stream

ephemeral stream

Journal of Aquatic Science, 27(2), 99–111.Įdegbene, A. Ecological status of Owan River, Southern Nigeria using aquatic insects as bioindicators. Potential menace posed by invasive grass and water quality deterioration on macroinvertebrates structural distribution in a dam in North- Western Nigeria. Zooplankton monitoring to contribute towards addressing global biodiversity conservation challenges. S., Ivory, S., Miloslavich, P., & Weatherdon, L. Temporal changes in zooplankton species diversity in response to environmental changes in an alluvial valley. Provisioning ecosystem services provided by the Hadejia Nguru Wetlands, Nigeria – Current status and future priorities. International Aquatic Research, 6(4), 187–202.Īyeni, A. Fluctuating salinity levels and an increasing pollution gradient on fish community structure and trophic levels in a small creek in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators, 10, 100103. Environmental and Sustainability Indicators Achieving sustainable river water quality for rural dwellers by prioritizing the conservation of macroinvertebrates biodiversity in two Afrotropical streams. The Open Environmental & Biological Monitoring Journal, 3(1), 1–11. Zooplankton community responses in a perturbed tropical stream in the Niger Delta, Nigeria. The composition, abundance and distribution of zooplankton of River Niger at Onitsha Stretch, Nigeria. Standard methods for the examination of water and wastewater, WEF and AWWA, 20th Edition, USA. ĪPHA (American Public Health Association). Preliminary investigation of flooding problems and the occurrence of kidney disease around Hadejia-Nguru wetlands, Nigeria and the need for an ecohydrology solution. Zooplankton associations and environmental factors in Ogunpa and Ona Rivers, Nigeria. Water physicochemistry and zooplankton fauna of Aiba Reservoir headwater streams, Iwo, Nigeria. Preliminary census of zooplanktons and phytoplankton community of Ajeko Stream, Iyale, North Central Nigeria. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research, 41, 187–196.Īdeyemi, S. Ecological factors affecting distribution of the zooplankton community in the Tigris River at Baghdad region, Iraq. Egyptian Journal of Aquatic Research, 42, 281–287.Ībdulwahab, S., & Rabee, A. The effects of environmental parameters on zooplankton assemblages in tropical coastal estuary, south-west Nigeria. Overall, the study revealed further insights into the responses of zooplankton communities to pollution, and their potential use as indicators organisms in ephemeral rivers.Ībdul, W. Conversely, species such as Macrothrix rosea and Bosmina longirostris were tolerant, demonstrating their usefulness as bioindicators of bad water quality as they associated positively with TDS, water depth, nitrates and salinity. However, there were differential responses of zooplankton to physicochemical variables in the river system, with species such as Eurytemora affinis, Acartia tonse and Sinodiaptomus sarsi being sensitive, indicating positive associations with DO concentration. The multivariate canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed a weak association between the zooplankton community assemblages and physicochemical variables. The cluster analysis revealed that the organisms were grouped mainly by sites rather than by seasons.

ephemeral stream

We recorded four zooplankton groups, namely Cladocera, Copepoda, Protozoa and Rotifera. One-way ANOVA showed air temperature, water temperature, pH, salinity, BOD 5, phosphate and nitrate varied significantly ( p < 0.05) between the sites across the 5 months. We collected zooplankton and physicochemical variables from three sites in five months, from January to February and April to June 2018. Our specific objectives were to explore the response patterns of zooplankton communities to anthropogenic pollution in the north-western ephemeral rivers and examine their potential use as reliable indicators for long-term monitoring of ephemeral systems impacted by different human activities. In this study, we explored the responses of zooplankton to environmental indicators of human activities to assess the health of River Kafin Hausa, an ephemeral river system in north-western Nigeria. It is also unclear how zooplankton communities respond to anthropogenic stressors in ephemeral rivers in the African continent. However, little is known about the ecological health of ephemeral rivers in Afrotropical regions, especially Nigeria. Ephemeral river systems in Nigeria are under severe threat by increasing anthropogenic pollution.

Ephemeral stream