Head down the stairs and then north, cross the bridge and go up the ladder. Grab the Life Seed and break the nearby wall with the Orange flower, then exit this room through the southern doorway. In the room you released the 4th spirit, exit via the northern of the two western doorways. You can hit the flower from here, then roll to the wall before the flower launches its projectile Once you’re successful, use the vine-ladder to get back up, then grab the key and use it on the locked door to the northeast and head through.

It can be a bit tricky, but you can always hit the mushrooms for energy and try again until you succeed. Now you’ll need to light the three nearby firepits in sequence. Push the lever to open another shortcut back to the door, then go back the way you came and jump down the ladder. Head through the doorway to the northeast, then break the boxes and head up the ladder and out the next doorway. After another brief convo with the Frog King, continue across the bridge and go up the eastern ladder that leads to an upper platform.

Head north back up the stairs, and then head west and over the small bridge. Once you defeat the last enemy, you’ll be able to take the ladder in the center of the platform up to the 3rd soul, and release it. Take the stairs that lead due south, and cross the open gate to begin another arena fight. Use the orange flower to break the nearby wall, then continue southwest past the flower and down the ladder. Head southwest and down the stairs, through the two bitey plants, and up the stairs past them.