According to some leaks, though, that might not be the case for long. So far, Arya Stark is the only Game of Thrones character playable in MultiVersus. It’s possible that means she was somehow cut along the way, though it would be surprising if Batman and Harley Quinn ended up being the only Gotham City residents in the game (more on that in a bit). While gamers haven’t found any voice lines or models that point to Poison Ivy being in MultiVersus, they have found some unused lines from Batman that reference the character. She specializes in controlling plants and using seducing others into helping her commit crimes. Pamela Isley, better known as Poison Ivy, is Gotham’s resident ecoterrorist and occasional antihero. There’s also a chance that Gizmo and Stripe will be the game’s next “two-for-one” fighters or have some kind of mechanical relationship with each other.

Leaked injustice 3 roster skin#
Of course, that could mean that Gizmo will be a separate character or just skin for Stripe. One such line even features Harley Quinn calling Gizmo by name. Leakers have discovered a player icon bearing Gizmo’s likeness, as well as voice lines that appear to come from Gizmo rather than Stripe. Since Gremlins’ Stripe has already been confirmed, one can’t help but wonder why the developers opted for the iconic mohawked Mogwai and not his progenitor, Gizmo? Of course, if leaks are to be believed, the little fuzzball will eventually show up. And yes, if the leaks turn out to be true, it seems that Tara Strong will portray Raven in the game. While dataminers haven’t found any Raven character models, some have seemingly discovered Raven voice lines (the original evidence of which has since been taken down) that reference Superman, Reindog, and other MultiVersus characters. While the character was fairly popular during earlier Teen Titans comics, the group’s 2003 cartoon really elevated her to new heights, thanks in no small part due to Tara Strong’s memorable voice performance. Raven is one of the major members of the Teen Titans. Of course, she could also end up being an alternate Wonder Woman skin similar to Jake the Dog’s current Cake the Cat skin variant. Dataminers have even found what appears to be concept art, models, and voice lines related to the character, so the odds of Nubia’s eventual inclusion are seemingly high. Well, MultiVersus rumors suggest that Nubia could be joining her half-sister on the game’s roster. You may not know Nubia by name, but you most certainly know her half-sister: Wonder Woman. While gamers haven’t found that famous character model in MultiVersus‘ data, they have unearthed plenty of Marvin voice lines that have led some to believe that Marvin’s MultiVersus appearance is closer to a matter of “when” rather than “if.” Nubia He also happens to be instantly recognizable thanks to his ensemble reminiscent of the Roman god, Mars (Marvin is from Mars…get it?). Marvin the Martian is one of Looney Tunes‘ most popular recurring antagonists. Still, it’s fascinating to see the many ways the MultiVersus roster could conceivably grow. There are a lot of MultiVersus leaks going around at the moment, and while we tried to focus on the most prominent, interesting, and seemingly possible roster additions, these are all nothing more than rumors until further notice. Those same fans even think they know which fighters are currently in the pipeline.īefore we dive into some of those rumors, let’s be very clear that these are all rumors. To their credit, those digital sleuths discovered that Rick and Morty, Gremlins’ Stripe, and Black Adam would show up long before the developers confirmed those characters. community, MultiVersus fans have dug deep into every bit of information they can find in the hopes of figuring out who will join the game’s roster.

There’s a truly wild range of characters who could theoretically appear in the game. Of course, Warner Bros.’s influence extends well beyond those properties. Everything from fan-favorite DC characters such as Batman and Superman to Loony Tunes favorites such as Bugs Bunny and Taz. Like other platformer fighting games before it, MultiVersus launched with a healthy, if small, collection of playable characters. As such, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that the MultiVersus community is currently doing the same. community regularly tries its hardest to discover all the season pass fighters that will appear in the game. Many modern fighters have expanded their rosters of playable characters through DLC, which has given rise to countless leaks and rumors. The rise of downloadable patches has been a blessing for modern fighting games.