Now on the folder on your desktop, find the ServerProfileFolder, open that and you should see a folder named Trader. Now in the folder you'll see a Key's folder, open that and find the Keys folder on your server, now drag and drop the dayztrader.bikey into the keys folder. Once done go back to the folder on your desktop and open it. Once done, rename the folder to the mod, so that'll be Now you'll need FileZilla, login to FTP with Filezilla and you'll now see your server, click your server folder and now we can see all the DayZ SA files, drag and drop the folder into the directory, being carefull not to drag it into another folder.

Mods for dayz standalone mod#
In the URL you'll see some numbers '' That's the mod ID so now lets find that folder and copy it to our Desktop. To make this easier we look at the workshop URL for the mod we're installing, in this case Trader mod. Now this isn't as easy as it sounds if you already have 101 mods installed for DayZ SA. Enter that folder and find the Trader mod. Now we need to navigate to this folder, to find it we need to find our workshop folder, most commonly found in Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps Now open Workshop enter into the content folder, inside you'll see a lot of files all numbered, DayZ SA app number is 221100 So this is the folder we'll be finding our mods in. Steam workshop for DayZ SA PC ( Found here)įor this example we'll be using Trader mod by Dr_J0nes ( Trader Mod ) Click subscribe and this will download it to your workshop folder for DayZ SA to use.

Your FTP Details (These are the details you use to log into your panel, Host name is your FTP IP found on your panel minus the :21)