Vibe check meme gun
Vibe check meme gun

vibe check meme gun

I just have always incorporated them into some of my videos every now and then. It was a really messy situation because she was crying, and in that moment, I was like, I’m so sorry - this would make a good hat! That was basically how it started. I was moving my sister out of her house, and I popped one of her daughter’s Koosh balls. Where did you get the - I don’t even know what to call them, but the spiky cap things that you wear? This will just be another one of those throwaway ideas and we’ll see what happens. I think this is for me more than anyone else. I genuinely thought, it’s a funny concept, but I don’t think anyone will think it’s funny. He just got randomly teleported to this place where these people were just telling him he’s not a vibe. You’re not supposed to act that way.” The first vibe check video I ever did was just a random guy getting vibe checked.

vibe check meme gun

All I remember is thinking it would be really funny if there was a council that, like, could vibe check someone, like, if they told them, “That’s not a vibe.

vibe check meme gun

To be honest with you, I do remember the day that I came up with it, but I’m not entirely sure how I did. How did you come up with the idea for doing these Vibe Checks? Spencer, currently sheltering in place in his off-campus apartment in Provo, Utah, spoke to Variety via Skype about how he developed the Vibe Check videos, and how TikTok helped him find an audience for his sense of humor. Suffice it to say, this is exactly the kind of ineffably delightful and original content TikTok was made for.

Vibe check meme gun